This article will describe the multiple technology items and how we will incorporate them in class. The first item we will present in the class is called a second hand electronic test taker. This device allows me to use a projector to project the tests and quizzes to everyone in the class, while you submit the answers electronically using the handheld provided. The handheld will ask for a class number and class session, which will be provided at the beginning of class. After entering this into your handheld device it will be ready for you to submit your answers. The device is very self explanatory and has an "A", "B", "C", and "D" button which you can press to select your answers. After selecting your answer press the "submit" button and move on to the next problem. This device is Eco-friendly by conserving paper and also saves me time, by grading them instantly once all answers are submitted. This form of electronic text is the future of school test taking and will be implemented in the classroom this semester.
Another technology device we will be using is the Microsoft Office Suite 2010. We will be using the projector to project the PowerPoint slides and slide shows that correlate to the devices we will be learning about. Along with the projector, we will be using the television for video references to these products. For the majority of the technology pieces that will be covered in this class, the manufacturers present a video on how to operate and configure the devices. The television, DVD player, and projector will provide us with the video and photographic references needed to learn and evaluate these devices.
These devices are very easy to use and will be installed into the learning curriculum on day one. For those of you who do not know what the items mentioned earlier are, below is a list of each item, their functions, and how it will be used in the classroom.
1. Projector - used to project my computer screen, the television, or DVD player directly on the large projector screen, so that the entire class can see the notes, test, or quiz. This device will be used for note taking, quizes, and tests.
2. second hand electronic test taker - A handheld remote that allows you to electronically submit test and quiz answers directly to my computer and into the gradebook wirelessly. This device will be used for quizes and tests.
3. Microsoft Office 2010 and Computer - Allows PowerPoint presentations and slideshows to be presented to the entire class, by incorperating video and photography that could not be presented through hard copy notes. This device is used for notes.
4. Television and DVD player - used to present documentaries done on the devices presented in the class through video. This device is used for notes.
For any additional questions, contact me at 555-555-5555. Thank you students and parents.
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